“Get” Your Readers

For any organization that publishes health content the goals are often to educate and influence.  One way to do so effectively is to “meet the reader where they are”. 

Your content must be relatable and appeal to your readers’ interests and values.  Guidance is better received when they sense a fresh new perspective, but with a balanced approach.  Your content cannot be too cold, clinical, or impersonal.

If consumers sense that there is an agenda or that a product promotion is really the goal they will quickly bristle and click the “back” button to select a different source that appears to sincerely have their interests in mind.

Health content consumers who are seeking out answers online are usually doing so for themselves or a loved one who is experiencing a concern.  These readers want to feel like their wellbeing is your #1 priority and that you “get them”.

If  your readers feel that love, they will open up their minds to receive your message.

As a freelance nurse writer I will make your content consumer friendly and  I am trained to communicate with people in a way that is empathetic, understandable, and educational.  The end result is a more confident and empowered reader who will make your organization their go-to source for healthcare and wellness information.

5 Ways I “Get” Your Readers with My Perspective as a RN Health Content Writer

  • I can anticipate their challenges and objections to adopting your recommendations and will make suggestions to make them more practical.
  • Mind + Heart : I will connect with the emotional aspects in addition to the information we are asking them to process.
  • I will appeal to your target audience and where they are in their journey. Are we helping a patient with an initial diagnosis or someone with an advanced issue?  The approach is different.
  • Back to the basics answering what, why, when, where, who, and how. I will not  leave readers discouraged because our information was incomplete.
  • I’m not judging! I will always adopt voice, tone, and language that is factual, but supportive.  Yes, we may be nudging the reader to re-think his/her current ways, but I will always focus on the potential to achieve a better outcome.  That is what being a nurse is all about! 

A nurse health and wellness content writer is best positioned to understand your readers and to craft your content in a way that makes them feel valued, understood, and informed.  Let’s get started today.